

Lenten Fish Fries

Posted by Brian Myers on 2/18/23

Catholic Charities Annual Appeal

Posted by Brian Myers on 2/18/23

Click here to donate to the Catholic Charities 2023 Appeal.

Spiritual Enrichment - Wisdom Sharing - March 1, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 2/10/23

Join a small group of spiritual seekers from 10:30 til 2:30 on Wednesday, March 1st in the Resurrecction Room for a time of prayer, teaching, sharing, and enjoying a delicious luncheon. No Charge. All are welcome. This month's topis is A Revolution of Tenderness in the Papacy of Pope ... Read More »

NEIGHBOR to NEIGHOR Meal - March 2, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 2/10/23

All are welcome to our monthly Community Meal. Come and experience Communion - Presence - and Love in Action; as we build the Kingdom of God one meal at a time. Please contact Sharon Waltermire if you are interested in volunteering.

Parish Art Show

Posted by Brian Myers on 1/12/23

NEIGHBOR to NEIGHBOR Annual Volunteer Meeting

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 1/04/23

Join us in the Small Hall as we revisit our mission and share our experiences. RSVP to

NEIGHBOR to NEIGHBOR Meal - February 2, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 1/04/23

Join us as we build the Kingdom of God one meal at a time. If you'd like to volunteer, contact Sharon Waltermire at

Spiritual Enrichment Gathering - January 4, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 12/23/22

Start the New Year spending time with other spiritual seekers. Meet us in the Resurrection Room where we will spend time praying together, discovering ourselves, and sharing wisdom. Wise Ones Still Seek Him. Fran Armbruster & Sharon Waltermire

NEIGHBOR to NEIGHBOR Meal - January 5, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 12/17/22

Join us in the Banquet Center on the first Thursday of every month for a delicious hot meal with a room full of neighborly people. Come and help us build the Kingdom of God one meal at a time.

Thanks to the St. Noel Endowment Fund for making this ... Read More »

That We All May Be One

Posted by Brian Myers on 12/03/22


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