Prayer Requests

"The Church, in all of her members, has the mission to practice the prayer of intercession: to intercede for others."

- Pope Francis

Please share your prayer requests for us so we can pray for you.


Please join us in praying for our brothers and sisters who have shared the following prayer requests with us. Note that we may not post every request we receive due to the personal nature of some requests. Whether your request appears below or not, rest assured that we have received your request and we are lifting your intentions up in prayer.  
Please pray for those suffering from mental illness and for those separated from their families because of their condition.  
Prayers are requested for those who are scheduled for upcoming surgeries. Pray for the patient and the medical team/s performing the surgery and aftercare.  
Pray for those struggling to pay their rent, to buy food, and for those searching for affordable housing.  
Pray for physical, mental, and emotional healing for our veterans.  
Pray for those awaiting trial and those faced with life in prison or the death penalty.      
Please hear our prayers and petitions, Lord, to aid us on our life journey.  In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen  
Blessed Be To God.  Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers.  In Jesus Christ's Name.  Amen.  
I pray for our parish of St. Noel. May 2024 be a year of vibrancy, rebuilding, and reconnecting our family of faith.  
I sincerely thank you for your help of prayer during and through the ongoing Radioactive Therapy for Breast Cancer and the spread to other bodily parts, organs, and bones. I will be very grateful and thankful for further prayer help for my full recovery through complete and permanent Godly healing. Amen!  
Blessings Be to God.  May your name be praised always.  Protect the children, and please answer our prayers.  Thank You, Lord, for everything.  In Jesus Christ's Name.  Amen  
Please bless my children & rid them of evil & ill will. Please help my son with autism. Heal him from head to toe so that he will be able to speak fluently, laugh appropriately, make eye contact, and play with children his age, especially with his sister.  Please allow my son & daughter to grow, to have a loving bond, and be able to love each other, converse, hug, and play together.  
I am a 54 year old partially disabled veteran dealing with Diabetes and Atrial Fibrillation. Please say a prayer to Heal my Heart and my Body. I also need a Prayer for a some Prosperity as I am quite poor. Thank you for your consideration  
Please pray for my mom's salvation and healing as well as healing and long life for my aunt, my uncle, and my mom's boyfriend who has cancer.  
Please pray for complete healing for my daughter who is suffering from depression.  Please remove the hate from her heart toward me and bring peace and happiness to our family.  
Pray in the Name of Jesus that God reaches down and heals my daughter. Pray God gives her peace, strength, and that whatever physical illness she is suffering never comes back.  God Bless you for praying for my daughter.   
Holy Father, please touch my blind brother. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help him be patient, take away his anger, and help him stop his drinking of alcohol.  Please have mercy on him, forgive his sins, and show him the way. Please bless and embrace his family too who suffer burdens and hardships.  ALL IN JESUS NAME. AMEN  
For a dear friend just diagnosed with a brain tumor, already experiencing speech and motor difficulties. As a former oncology nurse, she is well aware of the difficult days ahead with radiation and chemo. Prayers appreciated.  
Please pray for healing miracles for a young mother with small children and an uncle, both who have cancer.  
Please pray for our family businesses. May we do things really well. May we be fully blessed and hear from God our Father. Pray about everything.  Thank You.  Love you all.  
Prayers for salvation and spiritual protection, peace with God, and to silence Satan's voice.  
Psalm 76:5 for every enemy, spiritual and natural all of 2024  
For myself and for someone close to me, I pray for special healing  
Please pray for my beloved wife. In remission 18 mos from stage 4 gastric cancer. We fear it may have returned. Terrified. She is my love & my life.  Can't go on without her. WE NEED A MIRACLE. Your continuing prayers are needed. Lord hear our prayer.  
Please pray for me against bullying at my work, for the healing of my sick eyes and bladder, and for the healing of my husband.  
Psalm 37. Justice in every area of my life and freedom from every evil eye.  
Pray for my sister for her breast cancer. In the splendor of Christ.  
For receipt of my legal payout and Fast departure.  
I ask for prayers for my wife and our marriage. For my wife's health and her pregnancy. For a house for the family we are building. For my work, the conversion of my bosses, and that we do not lack clients. For the priest who guides me and for his needs. For the health of all of us (my eyes/sight). Thank you very much for your prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  
Deliverance from demonic bondage for 15 years.  
I request prayers for my girlfriend to be cured of her terrible illness and for her to communicate with me.  
Please pray for the salvation of my soul, so that I may receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and receive eternal life. I ask for forgiveness for my atheism, for doubting Jesus as God, the existence of eternal life after death, and the immortality of the soul. I ask for these same graces for my family and loved ones. Thank you very much.  
I have been ill. I pray that my illness will be identified and that I will be healed. In Jesus' name, I pray.  
Praise The Lord. I kneel and pray for Israel, my family, and myself. Pray for peace and joy to all in Israel. May our family life be joyful. May our restaurant business prosper and sales increase daily. Please help me find a lender with low interest. Thank you so much for prayers. May our God bless you & your ministry. May our prayers be answered according to His will today, because HE LOVES ME & NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUR GOD. Amen  
Pray for my sister, who is taking chemotherapy for breast cancer. She is now safe because her necrosis has decreased. May she be healed without needing a lumpectomy and saved in Christ.  
Please pray for us: For our love & happiness in marriage, for peace, for blessings, and for a blessed summer. May God provide for our spiritual and physical needs, and may He restore all the enemy has stolen from us. May God give us wisdom and good physical & mental health, and take care of us financially so we aren't lacking. In Jesus's name, Amen. Thank you for praying for us.  
I ask for prayers for healing my bipolar disorder, depression, and fatigue. I also pray for spiritual happiness, strength, and inner peace. In Jesus's name, Amen.  
For the conversion of some family. May God free them from the chains of tradition, pride, hypocrisy and lies; that Jesus Christ reveals Himself to them, shows them the Truth, and that the Truth sets them free; that God  transforms their hearts & their lives; and that they accept Christ. For the physical & spiritual healing of my godmother & all those in need. For the people of the Holy Land. For the end of arranged marriages around the world. For India to become a Christian nation. Thanks!  
I pray for deliverance from a "charismatic preacher" who I believe is "practicing magic" and deceiving people.  
To receive complete and authentic forgiveness from all of them and my nemeses. To heal my brain. To restore and heal everything in life. To have no more nemeses.  
For Our Lady of Medjugorje's intentions: for th conversion of sinners, relief for the souls in purgatory, for world peace forever, and an end of wars forever.  

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