2024 archive of News

2024 archive of News

Happy Feast Day!

Posted by Brian Myers on 10/19/24

Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and Companions

This weekend, we celebrate our parish patron, Saint Noel Chabanel. Our official feast day on the liturgical calendar is October 19, on the memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues and Companions. Saint Noel (age 36), among five others, ... Read More »

The High Adventure of the Spiritual Life

Posted by Brian Myers on 10/12/24

Mark 10:17-27

In this weekend’s Gospel reading, a rich young man stops Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. There is something absolutely right about the young man, something spiritually alive, and that is his deep desire to share in everlasting life. He knows what ... Read More »

Priest Convocation, Trunk-or-Treat, and Food Pantry

Posted by Brian Myers on 10/05/24

Priest Convocation October 8-11

Every two years, the priests of our Diocese gather with the Bishop for a convocation. So, this week from Tuesday through Friday, I will be in attendance and away from the parish. As a result, there will be no daily Mass on Wednesday or Friday ... Read More »

Strike a Pose

Posted by Brian Myers on 9/28/24

New St Noel Parish Photo Directory

In anticipation of our forty-fifth anniversary (1980-2025), we are updating our parish photo directory, and it will not be complete without you! Our most recent edition was published nearly a decade ago. A lot has happened in ten years, and with each publication ... Read More »

Love your Neighbor as Yourself

Posted by Brian Myers on 9/21/24

Mark 12:31

We are deep in the midst of the 2024 election cycle. This election occurs at a time of deep polarization within our nation. Everywhere we turn, we are inundated with disinformation, half-truths, personal attacks, hate-filled rhetoric and even violence, as both parties try to promote their positions ... Read More »

Parish Faith Formation

Posted by Brian Myers on 9/14/24

Catechetical Sunday

In 1935, the Church set aside the third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday, recognizing on this day the gift that catechists give to their parish community by volunteering their time to teach the faith to children. In the 90 years since, understanding of models of catechesis ... Read More »

Welcome, Christian!

Posted by Brian Myers on 9/07/24

I am pleased to introduce and officially welcome Mrs. Christian Gracie to our Saint Noel Parish family! Since the beginning of August, if you have stopped in the parish office or called, chances are you have had the opportunity to meet her. For nearly a month, she and ... Read More »

Saint Augustine Parish, Cleveland

Posted by Brian Myers on 8/31/24

A Samaritan Church with a Missionary Heart

This past week, the Church celebrated the memorials of Saints Monica and Augustine (mother and son) on August 27 and 28. For over 30 years, Monica prayed for her son’s conversion. Ordained a priest in 391 ad, and made Bishop of Hippo ... Read More »

The Song of the Church

Posted by Brian Myers on 8/24/24

From the Apostolic Constitution “Divino Afflatus” of Pope Saint Pius X (1911 AD)

Earlier this week, the Church celebrated the Memorial of Pope St. Pius X (August 21). Having recently celebrated a weekend of Solemn Eucharistic Devotions, which included the prayerful recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours (highly-comprised ... Read More »

Farewell, Erin

Posted by Brian Myers on 8/17/24

Since October 2022, Erin Galla has been the face and voice of the parish, joyfully receiving parishioners and guests at our doors, and greeting people over the phone. Immediately, her heart was drawn to the energy of our food pantry, endearing herself to those who both serve and ... Read More »


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