There are a variety of ministries needed to prayerfully and attentively celebrate our liturgies. They include:
Usher/Greeter: to greet people as they arrive, to help in seating, to take up the collection, to guide the Offertory and Communion processions, and to pass out bulletins and other materials as requested.
Sacristans: to set up vessels and bread & wine before Mass as well as properly clean the vessels after Mass.
Servers: to assist at the altar during Mass
Lectors: to study and prepare a clear, faith-filled and vibrant proclamation of the Word
Eucharistic Ministers: to reverently assist in the distribution of Communion
Ministers of Hospitality: to prepare coffee and donuts after each Mass
If you would like more information on any of these ministries, please call the parish office at 440-946-0887.