Young children are particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential elements of our faith: the announcement of God’s love, in the person of the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd Catechesis is a method developed by the late Dr. Sophia Cavaletti who was a Hebrew and scripture scholar. It is based on Montessori principles and the realization that young children not only develop a personal, loving relationship with God but actually have a hunger for God.It is scripturally and liturgically based. An additional component is the para-liturgical celebrations at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Children gather in an area called the Atrium. This is a term used by the early church for the gathering area where one prepared for membership in the
church community. For the child too, the Atrium is a place or preparation for involvement in the larger worshiping community, a place that fosters the child’s relationship with God.
Good Shepherd Catechesis is offered Sunday mornings from 8:45-10:15 for children ages 3-6 (not yet completed kindergarten.)
For information about Faith Formation, please contact Michele at 440-946-1128, opt.3 or