Angel Scholarship Fund

Turning Taxes into Tuition with the Catholic Community Foundation

Did you know the State of Ohio scholarship tax credit program makes a “no-net cost” donation possible that greatly benefits Catholic school students throughout the Diocese of Cleveland? This is a great opportunity to support our new Lake County Catholic Schools Network!

Donations to the Angel Scholarship Fund (ASF) helped make it possible for our parishes and schools to raise more than $6.7 million in the 2023 tax year, and for a growing number of families to receive tuition assistance for their children to attend a quality Catholic school.

As we approach the end of the 2024 calendar year, our hope and prayer is for the number of ASF supporters to grow so that we may achieve even greater success. We encourage all Ohio taxpayers to consider making an ASF donation that may be eligible for the state tax credit when filing a 2024 Ohio tax return.

It is a win-win! Eligible donors receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit (up to $750 for an individual or $1,500 if married and filing jointly), and students get scholarships! There are multiple ways to donate. Visit their website today:

Contact the ASF office for further information on how to “be an angel!”
(216) 902-1312

This does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please contact your tax professional.