

Lenten Bags 2023

Posted by Brian Myers on 3/05/22

Each Lent, members of the parish support local agencies by filling bags with needed items and dropping them off at the parish. Click on the agency below for tags listing needed items. Print a tag and attach it to the bag. Add items to the bag throughout the season ... Read More »

Welcome Tony Ward

Posted by Brian Myers on 2/20/22

Please welcome, Mr. Tony Ward Director of Music

After a second interview and having been invited to co-direct our choir last week, on behalf of our staff, I am very pleased to welcome and introduce to you our new Director of Music at Saint Noel Parish, Mr. Tony Ward!

... Read More »

Catholic Charities Annual Appeal

Posted by Brian Myers on 2/19/22

Click here to donate to the Catholic Charities 2022 Appeal

Did You Get a Text Message?

Posted by Brian Myers on 1/23/22

Did you receive our text message when we needed to cancel Mass on Sunday morning? If not, we invite you to add your cell phone number to your profile in Breeze. We will only text you with urgent messages like the one we sent on Sunday morning to alert ... Read More »

Christmas Mass Livestream

Posted by Brian Myers on 12/23/21

Click here to download the worship aid. Click here to make your Christmas offering.

Christmas Messages from Bishop Malesic

Posted by Brian Myers on 12/22/21

Watch this video for a Christmas message from Bishop Malesic. Also, click this link to read a message from Bishop Malesic on keeping people safe from illness this Christmas.

Immaculate Conception

Posted by Brian Myers on 12/08/21

The dogma of the Immaculate Conception maintains that the Virgin Mary, from the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege from Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original ... Read More »

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

Posted by Brian Myers on 11/09/21

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,and let perpetual light shine upon them.May the souls of all the faithful departed,through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  

Our Patronal Feast

Posted by Brian Myers on 10/16/21

Our patronal feast is October 19: Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues and Companions. Saint Noel Chabanel was one of those companions. This year, their Memorial falls on a Tuesday. It is always permissible to transfer the celebration of a parish's feast day to the Sunday nearest (in ... Read More »

Message from Bishop Malesic on Respect Life Month

Posted by Brian Myers on 10/04/21

All human life is precious, fragile and given directly to us as a gift by God. As such, we are brothers and sisters in our human family, made in the image and likeness of God. We are all called to live out our responsibility to care for, protect ... Read More »


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