February 2023 archive of News

February 2023 archive of News

Lenten Bags 2023

Posted by Anthony Camino on 2/28/23


Thanks for making Lenten Bags a part of your Lenten observance.  Choose one of the agencies listed below, print out the tag and attach it to a plastic bag.  During Lent, add items from the tag to your bag.  When full, bring the bag to St. Noel church.  ... Read More »

Lenten Fish Fries

Posted by Brian Myers on 2/18/23

Catholic Charities Annual Appeal

Posted by Brian Myers on 2/18/23

Click here to donate to the Catholic Charities 2023 Appeal.

Spiritual Enrichment - Wisdom Sharing - March 1, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 2/10/23

Join a small group of spiritual seekers from 10:30 til 2:30 on Wednesday, March 1st in the Resurrecction Room for a time of prayer, teaching, sharing, and enjoying a delicious luncheon. No Charge. All are welcome. This month's topis is A Revolution of Tenderness in the Papacy of Pope ... Read More »

NEIGHBOR to NEIGHOR Meal - March 2, 2023

Posted by Sharon Waltermire on 2/10/23

All are welcome to our monthly Community Meal. Come and experience Communion - Presence - and Love in Action; as we build the Kingdom of God one meal at a time. Please contact Sharon Waltermire if you are interested in volunteering. swaltermire@stnoel.org


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