June 2024 archive of News

June 2024 archive of News

There is Always a Way to Respond

Posted by Brian Myers on 6/29/24

For the past month, the staff and I have welcomed your comments as to what your experience of the liturgy has been at Saint Noel. We have been humbled by the overwhelmingly positive feedback several parishioners and guests have taken the time to share with us, and we ... Read More »

The Greatest Love Story: Saint Noel Solemn Eucharistic Devotions

Posted by Brian Myers on 6/22/24

Since the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) we have been offering some catechesis regarding the Eucharist, highlighting the importance of the Communion Procession and Communion hymn, our united posture, and even the sacred silence that follows. For the past three years, ... Read More »

Eucharistic Catechesis

Posted by Brian Myers on 6/15/24

As was touched on last weekend, it can be difficult for some to embrace an emphasis on the Mass as the action of the community rather than an individual act of one’s own faith and piety, but it remains important that we make every effort to do so. ... Read More »

Eucharistic Catechesis

Posted by Brian Myers on 6/08/24

Following last weekend’s catechesis on the Communion Procession, let’s unpack the importance of the Communion Hymn (or Chant). The action by Christ’s body, the Church assembled for the Eucharist, is “manifested and supported by the Communion Chant, a hymn in praise of Christ sung by the united voices ... Read More »

Eucharistic Catechesis

Posted by Brian Myers on 6/01/24

On this occasion of Corpus Christi, at this time of National Eucharistic Revival, in the weeks ahead, I would like to offer some catechesis and gentle reminders when it comes to our reception of Holy Communion—our posture, the procession, the importance of the Communion Hymn, and the sacred silence ... Read More »


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