2023 archive of Worship Blog

2023 archive of Worship Blog


Posted by Tony Ward on 3/08/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Happy Wednesday, all... we are almost halfway through Lent already! Triduum will be here before you know it, so if you're taking part, I highly recommend at least a good skim-through of our selections, including what we haven't started yet, so that we're as ... Read More »


Posted by Tony Ward on 3/01/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Happy March! This promises to be a whirlwind month, with two concerts (Bach's Music Box this Friday, and CityMusic on March 18), a Taizé prayer service on March 31, and that whole "prepare for Triduum" thing we're doing. Please take time on your own ... Read More »

THE WEDNESDAY REPORT: February 22, 2023

Posted by Tony Ward on 2/15/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Happy Lent! We're off to a beautiful start thanks to a wonderfully prayerful Ash Wednesday Mass this morning (and the promise of an equally fabulous Mass at 7 pm). We have a packed but powerful season planned for the parish, culminating in what I know ... Read More »

THE WEDNESDAY REPORT: February 8, 2023

Posted by Tony Ward on 2/08/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

First of all, thank you to everyone who attended and volunteered for the absolutely fabulous experience we shared with Andrew Sords and his amazingly talented colleagues! They loved you and thoroughly enjoyed performing here... as has every artist we've welcomed this season. I have half ... Read More »

THE WEDNESDAY REPORT: February 1, 2023

Posted by Tony Ward on 2/01/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Happy February (?!). I can't believe how quickly January seemed to fly by! As of today, we're just three weeks away from Lent, and there's plenty to come in the meantime. 

The Liturgical Composers Forum was an absolutely joy-filled experience, especially with a milestone ... Read More »

THE THURSDAY REPORT: January 19, 2023

Posted by Tony Ward on 1/19/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Thank you so much to those of you who attended last night's GIFT session, those who stayed for the activity, and all of you for your patience with me in not writing to you yesterday. 

Two things from last night I'd like to share ... Read More »

THE WEDNESDAY REPORT: January 11, 2023

Posted by Tony Ward on 1/11/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

I spent most of the day with my colleagues, preparing for tonight's opening of the parish art show (which you should definitely check out if you haven't already!). The Wednesday Report slipped my mind until tonight, but better late than never! It's Ordinary Time!

... Read More »


Posted by Tony Ward on 1/04/23

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Happy New Year! After a week to recuperate, we get right back down to business tomorrow night, with Ash Wednesday seven weeks from today. But before the busy-ness of each weekend makes it too difficult, let's chat about our aspirations for the year ahead. What ... Read More »


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