Lake County Catholic School Network, LCC (LCCSN)
Dear Parishioners of Saint Noel,
I am pleased to announce a milestone for Catholic education in Western Lake County! After two years of comprehensive discussion and planning, on this “Rejoice Sunday,” it is with great joy that I announce the launch of the Lake County Catholic School Network, LLC (LCCSN).
The LCCSN is a partnership between our parish and five other Catholic parishes: Immaculate Conception, Willoughby; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Wickliffe; St. John Vianney, Mentor; St. Justin Martyr, Eastlake; and St. Mary Magdalene, Willowick—a direct result of the “Keeping the Faith Strategic Plan for Catholic Elementary Education.” It formalizes a significant multi-parish commitment of time, talent, and treasure to sustain Catholic education in Western Lake County, particularly at All Saints School and Mater Dei Academy.
Effective July 1, 2025, the LCCSN will oversee All Saints School and Mater Dei Academy. Led by a network President and supported by an operations staff responsible for school finance, enrollment, development, and facilities, the LCCSN will leverage the support of all member parishes and strengthen these areas of school governance vital to the success of Catholic education in our community.
Pope Francis reminds us all that, “…because education truly forms human beings, it is especially the duty and responsibility of the Church, who is called to serve mankind from the heart of God and in such a way that no other institution can.” In the weeks and months ahead, we will explore the various ways in which our parish can invest in and support the current and future students, teachers, and families of All Saints School and Mater Dei Academy.
In an effort to better explain the LCCSN and this partnership, please visit the links at
As always, thank you for the blessing that you are to our parish and the surrounding community!
In Christ,
Fr. Terry