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God Loves a Cheerful Giver

A word of thanks and gratitude for your ongoing support of the spiritual and material needs of Saint Noel Parish! Not only do you share with us the treasure of your resources, but also the gift of your time and talent as you volunteer and minister on a consistent basis. All that people share they appreciate at this parish does not happen alone or by the effort of any one staff member, parishioner, or group. It takes all of us. The Eucharist is never celebrated in isolation!

For those who appreciate the use of an offertory envelope, in response to many requests, I have made the decision to resume the practice of having offertory envelopes sent to your homes. The blank ones provided in the narthex proved to be a cost-saving option to the parish for a time, and will remain available for visitors and guests, special collections, or if you simply find you need one. Beginning in August (for those who have this option selected in our parish database) your household will receive a two-month supply, pre-printed with your information. Each pack includes an envelope for the weekly offertory, holy days, diocesan designated collections, and two envelopes for Social Justice Concerns.

Upon diligent exploration, we found Our Sunday Visitor to be the best vendor for St. Noel. They have provided us with options that are both flexible and cost-effective. If at any point you no longer wish to receive envelopes, or you know someone who would like to be on the mailing list, please contact the parish office at (440) 946-0887.

Each year, your financial assistance sets our budget, ensuring inspiring worship and helping us assist those who find themselves in need. Our grounds, maintenance of the property (church, offices, and rectory), liturgical needs, and salaries are all taken care of by you.

How very grateful I am to you, and how blessed we are for the gifts poured out by those who came before us. As we prepare to celebrate 45 years since our founding next year in 2025, together, let us continue to give thanks, praise, and glory to the God who loves us!

Fr. Terry


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