Dear Partners in Ministry,
Today's Wednesday Report is all about strategy and revision... read on!
Christmas Mass Survey
Last week, I told you about our revised Mass times for Christmas and opened a survey for you, but made the mistake of burying the link in a bunch of text. SO:
If you can, please take this brief survey sometime in the next two weeks to let me know which Masses (if any) you're planning on being present for as a Music Minister. Thanks!
Concert Section Assignments
Last Thursday, it became clear that I need to settle the issue of vocal assignments for our Gaudete concert. I've come up with the following placements, based on what I know of your singing voices and what we need to achieve proper balance.
If you're suddenly an alto, I've placed you there based on your Sing Session this summer, knowing that you would be able to handle the necessary range and because alto sections need to be at least even with—if not larger than— soprano sections; this was as close as we can get. Speaking of ranges, here's what the three women's sections look like for our four choral pieces. Please note that most of what you'll be singing won't linger at either end of these ranges!
Starting tomorrow night, I'd ask that these sections sit together. I'm working on a seating chart for rehearsals only; if I can wrap it up confidently by tomorrow night we'll give it a go.
Remember: these are for purposes of the concert, not necessarily a permanent thing... and if you are concerned about your placement or will not be taking part in the concert, please let me know right away.
Soprano I (3) | Soprano II (10) | Alto (13) |
Tenor (5-7) |
Bass (9) |
Here At This Table: A Long-Overdue Fix
Every time I've sung Janèt Sullivan Whitaker's wonderful "Here At This Table" (JS 777), I've obsessed over the melody and harmony given for verses 3 and 5, feeling rather skeptical that what was on the page was actually correct. Turns out, I had reason to wonder— because it's not correct! The "melody" you've been singing is actually mostly the harmony part; the melody has been labeled as harmony and shown an octave lower... in short, it's a mess.
As of 2023's missals, OCP finally revised this song for the congregation. However, the JourneySongs hymnals obviously won't correct themselves, and the octavos for sale are still incorrect. So, instead of asking you all to pencil in the correct notes (which will be messy no matter how neat of a note taker you are), I'm going to give each of you a half-page "replacement" which I'll ask you to tape/glue stick into your copy of JourneySongs over page 2 of the song. It's a medium-to-long-term Band-Aid, and someday we'll replace it with the actual octavos of the song (there's some lovely harmony in the refrain).
Pick up:
- 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)
- Here at This Table: Replacement Page
Rehearsal Agenda:
7:00 pm · Weekend repertoire
- 1.004 · Mass of Encounter (Ward): Lamb of God (SATB); Glory to God (melody); Alleluia (Melody)
- 3.059 · I Received the Living God (French carol, arr. Ward)
- 6.008 · Bless the Lord (NETTLETON/Ward/St. Noel)
- JS 777 · Here At This Table (Whitaker): insert replacement, learn revisions
8:05 pm · Gaudete repertoire
- Blest Be the Star: review melody, begin SATB
- Jubilate Deo: NRW (Notes/Rhythms/Words), m. 1–38
- O Magnum Mysterium: review m. 1–11
- The Angel Gabriel: Basque carol, arr. me: review verses 1–2, SATB verse 3
Glory to God: BB 884 · 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)
Gospel Acclamation: BB 946 · JS 264 · Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/C. Walker)
Eucharistic Prayer Acclamations:
Holy/Mystery of Faith/Amen · Mass of Encounter (see below)
Lamb of God: BB 952 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)
1.004 · Mass of Encounter. We'll transition from the summer acclamations one by one from September 3 to October 15.
Hear melody demos now at
- Sep 3: Holy
- Sep 10: Save Us, Savior (Mystery of Faith)
- Sep 17: Amen I
- Sep 24: Lamb of God
- Oct 1: Gospel Acclamation
- Oct 8/15: Glory to God
SEPTEMBER 17 · Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: BB 568 · JS 593 · Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 664 · JS 532 · Loving and Forgiving (Soper)
Preparation of the Gifts: WA · 6.008 · Bless the Lord (NETTLETON/Ward/St. Noel)
Communion: WA · 3.059 · I Received the Living God (French carol, arr. Ward)
Sending Forth: BB 601 · JS 824 · Christ, Be Our Light (Farrell)
SEPTEMBER 24 · Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: BB 311 · JS 761 · Table of Plenty (Schutte)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 818 · JS 115 · Ps 145: I Will Praise Your Name/The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us (Soper)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 505 · JS 732 · Only This I Want (Schutte)
Communion: BB 308 · JS 777 · Here At This Table (Whitaker) Revised Melody, verses 3 and 5 (see above)
Sending Forth: BB 410 · JS 647 · Lord of All Hopefulness (SLANE/Struther)
OCTOBER 1 · Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: BB 301 · JS 766 · Gather the People (Schutte)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 762 · JS 28 · Ps 25: To You, O Lord (Soper)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 411 · JS 467 · Jesus the Lord (O’Connor)
Communion: BB 359 · 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)
Sending Forth: WA · JS 599 · Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises (South African)
MUSIC SELECTIONS: Ordinary Time III (Fall: September 3–November 26, 2023)