Dear Partners in Ministry,
And, just like that, it's summer... and our return to Ordinary Time. A bit of good news and some notes to pass on today.
Sound System Update This Summer
Thanks to a generous gift from the Saint Noel Endowment Fund, we're going to make some big and beneficial changes to our sound system. By the end of the summer, we'll consolidate all the sound sources in the church into a new and state-of-the-art mixing console, which will open the door to some major improvements for us, including:
- being able to control every mic in one place, with far more control and detail than before
- controlling the mixer remotely using an iPad or laptop, from the pews, the piano, or even my office (seriously)
- creating dedicated sound mixes for our live stream (huge upgrade!) and the overhead speaker nearest the choir seats (we'll hear what we really need to hear most)
- recording and playback right from the board
- (protected!) Bluetooth playback from phones or tablets
- Programmable "scenes," which are detailed settings ideal for Masses, concerts, presentations, and more, all recallable at the touch of a button)
- Possibility of using stage monitors for instrumentalists, soloists, etc.
- Repair of broken mic inputs
- Clearer, better sound for us all!
Many, many thanks to Fr. Terry and the Endowment Fund for continuing to invest in the worship life of our parish!
Two Important Notes for This Weekend
At Fr. Terry's request, we're celebrating a Rite of Sprinkling at all Masses this weekend, just before the Glory to God. During this rite, we'll sing Lynn Trapp's "Springs of Water, Bless the Lord" (including verses as needed). Be ready to leap into the Glory to God right after.
Our Preparation of Gifts this weekend will feature two meditative pieces for our congregation. Our Bell Choir will play an arrangement of "Holy, Holy, Holy" Saturday night, and we'll sing "May We Praise You" on Sunday.
Ordinary Time: a Service Music Sampler
Our acclamations are a hodge-podge this summer, incorporating the Celtic Alleluia, Tom Kendzia's Lamb of God, Mass of Creation, and two weeks of the Glory to God from Mass of Renewal (since we just introduced it, we'll give it two more weekends to sing it). As of July 18, we'll switch to Mass of Creation for the Glory to God.
Reminder: The Choir Mics Hear Conversations, Too
A reminder that what makes our choir mics so good at capturing singing also makes them really good at capturing speech. I've been trying to keep our mics muted until Mass starts so we can converse freely and rehearse without broadcasting it, but when it's time to start Mass (and unmute the mics) we need to quiet things down. So, when you see me head over to the mixer before greeting the assembly, just know that "we're going live."
Reminder: Summer Sing Session Signups
Thanks to everyone who has already signed up for Sing Sessions this July. Visit this URL to claim a spot:
Glory to God (June 4/11): BB 875 · JS 176 · Mass of Renewal: Glory to God (Stephan)
Gospel Acclamation: BB 946 · JS 264 · Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/C. Walker)
Eucharistic Prayer Acclamations: BB 885-887 · 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)
Lamb of God: BB 952 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)
JUNE 4 · The Most Holy Trinity
Gathering: WA · 3.000 · Laudate Dominum (Taizé)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 823 · JS 119 · Daniel 3: Glory and Praise for Ever (Smith)
Preparation of the Gifts: WA · 3.064 · May We Praise You (Foley)
Communion: BB 347 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)
Sending Forth: BB 212 · JS 448 · Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA)
JUNE 11 · The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Gathering: BB 304 · JS 771 · Our God Is Here (Muglia)
Responsorial Psalm: WA · 2.019 · Ps 147: Praise the Lord, Jerusalem (Ward)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 341 · JS 793 · One Bread, One Body (Foley)
Communion: BB 359 · 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)
Sending Forth: WA · JS 599 · Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises (South African)
JUNE 18 · Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: BB 568 · JS 593 · Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 432 · JS 620 · All the Earth (Deiss)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 477 · JS 689 · Shelter Me, O God (Hurd)
Communion: BB 404 · JS 652 · This Alone (Manion)
Sending Forth: BB 387 · 3.026 · The Summons (KELVINGROVE/Bell, arr. Fisher)
Ordinary Time II (Summer: June 4–August 27, 2023)