Dear Partners in Ministry,
From survey results to some changing up, lots to discuss this week!
Trial Run: Bell Choir Rehearsal Upstairs
Between the more frequent weekends we're enjoying with our Bell Choir and the number of "ringer-singers" involved, Elke and I want to try out moving bell rehearsals to the main church on a weekly basis. There are just a few weeks remaining until bells take a summer break, and choir rehearsals will trend shorter this month, so we figured this would be a perfect time to give this idea a shot.
So, beginning tonight:
- Bell Choir will rehearse in the church from 6:00 pm to 6:55 pm. Choir members are of course welcome to come in and get set for rehearsal, but please keep things relatively quiet out of respect for the rehearsal in progress.
- Parish Choir rehearsal will begin with business and announcements at 7:05 pm, and warmups at 7:10.
- Bells will be put away after choir rehearsal if it's not already taken care of.
- The librarians and I will figure out a location for the folder rack so we're not in each other's way.
Thanks for giving this a shot.. it's a win-win for members of both groups and opens the door to easier collaboration.
Weekend Notes: Song Change, New Glory to God
We're completing the collection and introducing the Glory to God from Mass of Renewal this weekend. The plan is to teach the first half of the piece (from "Glory to God" to "Son of the Father") to the assembly before Masses; I'll sing it first, then invite all (you included) to sing it back. We'll evaluate whether to follow up with the next half before Masses the following weekend. You've been doing really well with this in rehearsal, but if you'd like to listen to this piece to help solidify it, you'll find the YouTube video here: Mass of Renewal: Glory to God (Stephan)
Also: per a brief discussion with colleagues, we're switching the Preparation of Gifts song this weekend from "Love One Another" to "In Your Dwelling Place," which will connect our readings and preaching a little more succinctly. Scores will be ready in your folders tomorrow night.
Survey Follow-Ups: Triduum, All-In
Thanks to everyone who responded to the last two surveys I've sent you since Triduum. Here's the nutshell-level report on both:
- Repertoire across the board received positive and encouraging ratings from all of you, with nothing we did averaging lower than 3.5 out of 5.
- In particular, the addition of "Jesus, Remember Me" and the new Exodus response at the Easter Vigil were big hits!
- That said, there are some pieces that seem ready for replacement based on comments, particularly our Psalm 16 and Isaiah 12 responses during the Vigil, and several components of Easter Sunday's liturgies.
- Over 80% of you indicated support for a common Communion song for all of Triduum and Easter, with 48% saying use a different piece.
- Over 90% of you said we were at least mostly prepared for all our music this year, with 26% saying we were definitely prepared. While I'm glad to see this, I know I could have been better organized and will work to make next year even better.
- Finally, over 90% were comfortable with the level of challenge our choral selections presented. A few of you want more challenging literature, a few want easier pieces, but on the whole I'd say we found a good balance this year.
All-In Choir Survey
- First off, my apologies to anyone who read this as a radical change to our ministry structure. As I mentioned Thursday night, no huge changes are wanted or needed; All three of our weekend Masses will have as equal and dedicated a Music Ministry presence as possible.
- There seems to be a general openness to occasional all-in liturgies, with nearly 75% of you supporting at least a few Masses a year. As far as specific dates go, you seem most enthusiastic about Palm Sunday, our parish feast day, Confirmation, and Ash Wednesday.
- This gives me plenty of honest feedback to chew on, and further thoughts are always welcome too. Thank you!
Reminder: Mass of Encounter Read and Review Session This Sunday
A reminder that you're invited to help test drive Mass of Encounter, the setting I've composed for our parish, after the 11 am Mass this Sunday! I need an advance head count of attendees, so please RSVP if you'd like to join me: Thanks!
Pick up:
- (score) Psalm 66: Let All the Earth (Ward)
- 3.060 · In Your Dwelling Place (Ward)
- 3.060 · In Your Dwelling Place (Ward)
- BB 359 · 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)
- JS 176 · Mass of Renewal: Glory to God (Stephan)
- JS 38 · Ps 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy (Dufford)
- JS 709 · Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL/Wesley)
Glory to God: BB 875 · JS 176 · Mass of Renewal: Glory to God (Stephan)
Gospel Acclamation: BB 876 · JS 177 · Mass of Renewal: Alleluia (Stephan)
Holy: BB 878 · JS 179 · Mass of Renewal: Holy (Stephan)
Prayer of the Faithful (EV/ES): WA · score · Mass of Encounter: Prayer of the Faithful (Ward)
Mystery of Faith: BB 879 · JS 180 · Mass of Renewal: We Proclaim Your Death (Stephan)
Amen: BB 882 · JS 183 · Mass of Renewal: Amen (Stephan)
Lamb of God: BB 883 · JS 184 · Mass of Renewal: Amen (Stephan)
MAY 7 · Fifth Sunday of Easter
Gathering: BB 311 · JS 761 · Table of Plenty (Schutte)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 770 · JS 38 · Ps 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy (Dufford)
Preparation of the Gifts: WA · 3.060 · In Your Dwelling Place (Ward)
Communion: BB 359 · 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)
Sending Forth: BB 481 · JS 709 · Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL/Wesley)
MAY 14 · Sixth Sunday of Easter
Gathering: BB 568 · JS 593 · Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor)
Responsorial Psalm: WA · (score) Psalm 66: Let All the Earth (Ward)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 387 · 3.026 · The Summons (KELVINGROVE/Bell, arr. Fisher)
Communion: BB 328 · JS 776 · Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Sending Forth: BB 319 · JS 245 · Mass of Glory: Alleluia! Give the Glory (Canedo/Hurd)
MAY 21 · Ascension of the Lord
Gathering: BB 188 · JS 429 · Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise (LLANFAIR)
Responsorial Psalm: WA · score · Ps 118: Give Thanks to the Lord (Ward)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 412 · JS 640 · Christ Before Us (SUO GÁN/Whitaker)
Communion: BB 347 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)
Sending Forth: WA · 3.071 · Sent Forth as Light (Ward)
Triduum and Easter Season (April 6–May 28, 2023)
Ordinary Time II (Summer: June 4–August 27, 2023)