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THE WEDNESDAY REPORT: January 10, 2024

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of the seasons to come, I wanted to thank Elke White from the bottom of my heart as she begins a new chapter in her life. I think it's fair to say that Elke is one of the most generous, hard-working, compassionate, and dedicated people most of us have ever met— not only as a Music Ministry member, but as a human being. Her impassioned leadership has curated the Bell Choir into a rare and remarkable gem of an ensemble, a legacy which will be in terrific hands as Greg Eastridge takes the baton! Whether stepping up countless times to give her musical gifts in service, practicing and honing her skills day after day in the church, or offering her perspective, concern, and empathetic ear in my too-short time ministering with her, Elke has been an absolute rock star to me and to all of you. Elke, although I am quite sad to see you leave, I rejoice in the discernment you've entered into so thoroughly, and will always be grateful for who and what you are for this parish community. God be with you, sister, and know that there's always a seat waiting for you in the choir when you visit home!

Ordinary Time is (very briefly) upon us!

Fresh from a wonderful Christmas season, we find ourselves in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it stretch of Ordinary Time, only five weekends long! We'll simplify things a bit, turning to Mass of Creation for our Eucharistic Prayer acclamations in addition to our Glory to God. We'll use Tom Kendzia's "Lamb of God" for this stretch as well.

Lent Music Selections

And, just in the nick of time, I've finalized most of our music for Lent! You'll find the link under Resources below. We still have a bit of planning to do regarding the Penitential Act and Prayers of the Faithful, but everything else is ready to go.

  • We'll use a reflection on "Wondrous Love" as our seasonal gathering song which, as we did for Advent, involves a common refrain and a verse for each weekend. I'll share that score with you next week.
  • While the numbers aren't settled just yet, we have a delightfully large contigent of sibs-in-Christ to welcome into our midst through RCIA this year. Next week, we'll celebrate their Rite of Acceptance at the 11 am, and begin their weekly dismissals to go forth and break open the Word together.
  • Their three Scrutinies will be celebrated on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent, at the 11 am Mass. Because this requires a change in readings for that Mass, we'll need to prepare two psalms each week. The remaining music will stay the same for all Masses.
  • I may or may not schedule a new piece of mine on the Third Sunday of Lent and Holy Thursday, "The Blessed and Broken." This was my submission for the Eucharistic Revival Hymn Competition last year, and, though it didn't win, has some real potential for us (I think). I've submitted it for peer review at this year's Liturgical Composers Forum; depending on how unmercifully critiqued it is, we'll give it a go.

Reminder: music turn-in tomorrow night

We'll lighten the load a touch tomorrow night by turning music from Advent and Christmas. Please drop the following scores off in the Narthex as you make your way in:

  • 2.013 · Psalm 98: Complete Setting
  • 3.074 · Blest Be the Star
  • 3.075 · Jubilate Deo
  • 4.012 · Emmanuel
  • 4.014 · The Angel Gabriel
  • 5.015 · O Tidings
  • 5.022 · Child of the Poor/What Child Is This
  • 5.054 · O Magnum Mysterium
  • 5.100 · Advent and Christmas Hymns

You can recycle these temporary pieces as well:

  • Luke 1: My Soul Rejoices
  • Psalm 105: The Lord Remembers


Turn in: all music listed above.

Pick up:

  • TEMP · Ps 147: The Brokenhearted (Ward)

Weekend Rep:

  • JS 43 · Ps 40: Here I Am/God, My God, Come to My Aid (Cooney)              
  • JS 768 · Gather Your People (Hurd)              
  • JS 813 · City of God (Schutte)              
  • JS 818 · Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)              
  • 2.010 · Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen)              
  • TEMP · Ps 147: The Brokenhearted                                   

Lent/Triduum Rep: it begins!

  • 7.032 · Wondrous Love (arr. Shaw/Parker): NRW (Notes/Rhythms/Words), mm. 1–39  
  • 8.013 · Hark! I Hear the Harps Eternal (arr. Shaw/Parker): NRW, mm. 1–16




Glory to God: 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)

Gospel Acclamation: JS 264 · Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/C. Walker)

Eucharistic Acclamations: 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)

Lamb of God: JS 789 · Lamb of God (Kendzia)

JANUARY 14 · Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gathering: BB 310 · JS 768 · Gather Your People (Hurd)           

Responsorial Psalm:  BB 776 · JS 43 · Ps 40: Here I Am/God, My God, Come to My Aid (Cooney)           

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 389 · JS 818 · Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)           

Communion: BB 480 · 2.010 · Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen)           

Sending Forth: BB 391 · JS 813 · City of God (Schutte)           

LOOKING AHEAD                       

JANUARY 21 · Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

RITE OF ACCEPTANCE, 11:00 am. More info next week.

Gathering: BB 554 · JS 598 · Sing a New Song (Schutte)

Responsorial Psalm: BB 762 · JS 28 · Ps 25: To You, O Lord (Soper)    

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 416 · JS 640 · Christ Before Us (SUO GÁN/Whitaker) 

Communion: WA · 3.059 · I Received the Living God (French carol, arr. Ward) 

Sending Forth: BB 387 · 3.026 · The Summons (KELVINGROVE/Bell, arr. Fisher)

JANUARY 28 · Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gathering: BB 319 · JS 245 · Alleluia! Give the Glory (Canedo/Hurd)           

Responsorial Psalm: BB 797 · JS 71 · Ps 95: If Today You Hear His Voice (Soper)           

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 739 · JS 733 · Lead Me, Lord (Becker)           

Communion: BB 364 · 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)           

Sending Forth: BB 447 · JS 686 · How Can I Keep from Singing (Lowry)           


MUSIC SELECTIONS: Ordinary Time I (Winter: January 14–February 11, 2024)

MUSIC SELECTIONS: Lent and Holy Week (February 14–March 24, 2024)





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