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Dear Partners in Ministry,

Hello, August! It was a crazy but rewarding day at the church as we successfully completed the lion's share of the upgrades to our sound system. Things are definitely in rough-draft condition, and there's a lot of tech-nerdy work yet to do, but we're already noticing improvements over the previous configuration. 

One big plus for all of us is what we'll get from the overhead speaker nearest to the choir. I always felt that speaker was really underperforming... turns out it wasn't performing at all! It was muted from inside the software that controls the system. We're re-configuring that speaker to have its own dedicated mix of audio, making it a monitor. I think we'll end up highlighting the wireless, ambo, and cantor mics so all of us can hear spoken dialogue better and keep in better sync with our psalmists.

The choir area's a mess right now, but I'll get it cleaned up in time for rehearsal tomorrow night... because 

There's rehearsal tomorrow night!

We're getting together for our last "summer mode" rehearsal tomorrow night from 7-9. We have a small but mighty agenda, including a choral sound check and our first real foray into Mass of Encounter.

Two new songs, one psalm swap

The month of August includes our first go with two pieces of mine:

Spirit of Our God (August 13, September 3) is a metric adaptation of the Pentecost chant, Veni creator Spiritus, with original lyrics invoking the help of the Spirit as we grow in our understanding of all the Persons of the Trinity. It's the first song I ever had published when I was a baby composer back in 2007. Visit this link to preview the score and hear a slightly different arrangement of it here.

On the other hand, Christ the Cornerstone (August 20) is very new! The text came to me back in 2020, but I hadn't done anything with it until it became clear that it fit the bill for last month's GIFT session. I threw a melody together that afternoon, and to my delight and relief, it seemed to sing pretty well that night! It's also on topic for our 40th anniversary celebration (see below), so we'll give it a go at Gifts. While I don't have a recording of this one, I have a rehearsal track ready to go on Cantamus for you. Look for the "2023" folder at the top of the repertoire list.

Finally, I decided to nix one of my Psalm settings for August (Aug 13, specifically); we'll sing JS 62 · Ps 85: Let Us See Your Kindness (MacAller) instead.

August 15: Assumption

Tuesday, August 15, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, a holy day. I always love company, so please feel free to join me in ministry for the Vigil Mass (Monday, Aug. 14) at 7 pm or the morning Mass Tuesday at 8:30 am. 

August 20: 40 years in our sacred space!

Our beautiful worship space finally welcomed in an eager parish on August 21, 1983; I know several of you were there for the occasion. We'll celebrate the 40th anniversary of that milestone the weekend of August 19/20, and with a parish picnic that Sunday afternoon. Check out the bulletin and Fr. Terry's letter for more information. 

Rehearsals Resume August 17

Finally, a reminder that we're back to the weekly routine as of August 17; let's count on 7-9 each week with early dismissals whenever we're able to do so. 


Pick up:

  • 3.070 · Christ the Cornerstone (Ward)
  • 8.010 · Spirit of Our God (Ward)

Turn in:

  • Nothing for now. We'll do another turn-in at the end of the month.


  • A Choral Sound Check! We'll use 3.065 · Laudate Dominum (Taizé) to check levels in the new sound system.
  • 1.004 · Mass of Encounter (Ward)
  • 3.070 · Christ the Cornerstone (Ward)
  • 8.010 · Spirit of Our God (Ward)
  • JS 62 · Ps 85: Let Us See Your Kindness (MacAller)
  • JS 78 · Ps 97: The Lord Is King (Cooney)
  • JS 768 · Gather Your People (Hurd)



Glory to God: BB 884 · 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)

Gospel Acclamation: BB 946 · JS 264 · Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/C. Walker)

Eucharistic Prayer Acclamations: BB 885-887 · 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)

Lamb of God: BB 952 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)

LOOKING AHEAD                

AUGUST 6 · Transfiguration of the Lord

Gathering: WA · 3.065 · Laudate Dominum (Taizé)

Responsorial Psalm: BB 800 · JS 78 · Ps 97: The Lord Is King (Cooney)

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 693 · JS 557 · The Lord Is My Light (C. Walker)

Communion: BB 359 · 3.061 · Take and Eat (Joncas)

Sending Forth: BB 556 · JS 598 · Sing a New Song (Schutte)

AUGUST 13 · Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Gathering: BB 309 · JS 768 · Gather Your People (Hurd)

Responsorial Psalm: BB 792 · JS 62 · Ps 85: Let Us See Your Kindness (MacAller)

Preparation of the Gifts: NEW! WA · 8.010 · Spirit of Our God (Ward)

Communion: BB 332 · 3.033 · Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz, arr. Keil)

Sending Forth: BB 446 · JS 686 · How Can I Keep from Singing (Lowry)

AUGUST 15 · Assumption of Mary · Masses Monday 7 pm, Tuesday 8:30 am

Gathering:  BB 697 · JS 472 · Sing of Mary (PLEADING SAVIOR)

Responsorial Psalm: WA · score · Psalm 45: The Queen Stands (Ward)

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 630 · 3.010 · Canticle of the Turning (Cooney)

Communion: BB 347 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)

Postcommunion: WA · score · Virgin of Love (Finerty)

Sending Forth:  BB 547 · JS 589 · O God beyond All Praising (THAXTED/Perry)

AUGUST 20 · Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Gathering: BB 301 · JS 766 · Gather the People (Schutte)

Responsorial Psalm:  BB 788 · JS 58 · Ps 67: O God, Let All the Nations (Smith)

Preparation of the Gifts: NEW! WA · 3.070 · Christ the Cornerstone (Ward)

Communion: BB 308 · JS 777 · Here At This Table (Whitaker)

Sending Forth: WA · JS 599 · Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises (South African)


Ordinary Time II (Summer: June 4–August 27, 2023)

Ordinary Time III (Fall: September 3–November 26, 2023)



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