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THE WEDNESDAY REPORT: November 30, 2022

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Thanks for a wonderful Thanksgiving Mass and such a strong start to Advent this weekend! Lots to come for us over the next month, so let's dive in!

December 4: Baptism in Mass is Back!

This Sunday at 11, we'll welcome Baptism back to our weekend Masses. My colleagues and I revisited the celebration, especially in light of the new (2020) edition of the Order of Baptism of Children. While it doesn't completely upend the normal order of things, there are some elements we should all be aware of.

Tomorrow night, you'll be able to pick up a copy of a 1-page MM Guide for Baptisms in Mass. Keep it handy, as we plan on celebrating these several times a year at each of the three Masses.

December 7/8: Immaculate Conception

December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, a holy day. We'll celebrate Masses Wednesday, December 7, at 7:00 pm and Thursday morning at 8:30 am. This is the one time during Advent that we sing the Glory to God!

Since there is no evening Mass on Thursday, choir rehearsal will take place as usual, which is a good thing, because....

December 11: Gaudete!

The following Sunday is our Gaudete concert! Tomorrow night, you'll also receive an information sheet for the concert, with the concert order and other important notes.

December 14: Advent Penance Service

Our Advent Penance Service will take place Wednesday, December 14, at 7:00 pm. You're all invited to bring your gifts to this seasonal service of reconciliation and hope (and receive the Sacrament yourself, of course!). We'll meet at 6:30 pm.


Pick up:

  • Music Ministry Guide: Baptism at Mass
  • Gaudete! Information Sheet
  • I Received the Living God (arr. Ward)
  • Psalm 24 (Ward)
  • Psalm 146: Praise the Lord, My Soul! (Cosas)

Turn in:

  • Canticle of the Turning (Cooney)
  • Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing (Ward)



The Glory to God is omitted during Advent.

Children’s Dismissal (Sundays): WA · [score] · The Word of God (Ward)

Gospel Acclamation: 1.002 · Mass of Renewal (Gokelman/Kauffman)

Prayer of the Faithful: BB 950 · JS 268 · O God, Hear Us (Hurd)

Eucharistic Acclamations: 1.002 · Mass of Renewal (Gokelman/Kauffman)

DECEMBER 4 · Second Sunday of Advent

Seasonal Gathering Song: BB 58 · 4.012 · Emmanuel (Angrisano), verse 2

Responsorial Psalm: BB 789 · JS 59 · Ps 72: Justice Shall Flourish/Lord, Every Nation (Cooney)

Preparation of the Gifts: WA · 4.013 · Take Comfort, My People (Warner) starting at m. 19

Communion: BB 301 · JS 766 · Gather the People (Schutte)

Sending Forth: BB 426 · JS 830 · Sing a New Church (NETTLETON/Dufner), v. 1, 4, 5

DECEMBER 8 · Immaculate Conception · Masses Wed 7 pm, Thu 8:30 am

Gathering Song: BB 52 · JS 280 · The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (Basque trad.)

Responsorial Psalm: WA · 2.013 · Psalm 98: Complete Setting (Ward) Refrain I; v. 1–3

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 706 · JS 481 · Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Landry)

Communion: BB 332 · JS 791 · Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz) from JS, not the Keil edition.

Sending Forth: BB 697 · JS 472 · Sing of Mary (PLEADING SAVIOR)

DECEMBER 11 · Third Sunday of Advent · Gaudete! concert, 4:00 pm

Seasonal Gathering Song: BB 58 · 4.012 · Emmanuel (Angrisano), verse 5

Responsorial Psalm: WA · 2.009 · Ps 146: Praise the Lord, My Soul! (Cosas)

Preparation of the Gifts: BB 49 · JS 277 · Patience, People (Foley)

Communion: BB 346 · JS 780 · Bread for the World (Farrell)

Sending Forth: BB 43 · JS 297 · People, Look East (BESANÇON)


DECEMBER 18 · Fourth Sunday of Advent 

Seasonal Gathering Song: BB 58 · 4.012 · Emmanuel (Angrisano), verse 4

Responsorial Psalm: WA · 2.014 · Psalm 24: Complete Setting (Ward)

Preparation of the Gifts: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (piano, cello)

Communion: WA · 3.059 · I Received the Living God (French carol, arr. Ward)

Sending Forth: BB 52 · JS 280 · The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (Basque trad.)



Advent and Christmas (Nov 27, 2022–Jan 8, 2023)

Ordinary Time I (January 15–February 19, 2023) coming soon!


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