Dear Partners in Ministry,
Kyrie eleison.
The last 24 hours have been heart-shattering for us, especially for those of us who see our own children’s faces every time we hear of another school shooting—one after another, after another. I know I was one of the millions of parents who hugged their kids a little tighter last night, and sent them off to school today, praying that they’ll return to you. I also know I’m one of the millions of Americans who pray fervently that this madness comes to an end.
Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago (and fellow Omahan), posted what thus far has been the most piercing and prophetic response to this tragedy; I encourage you to click here and give it a read. Among many poignant passages, he offers: “We must weep and soak in the grief that comes with the knowledge that these children of God were cut down by a man who was just a few years their senior. But then we must steel ourselves to act in the face of what seems like insurmountable despair.”
Let’s remember that many who will gather with us this weekend will carry this cross of grief, or the burden of anger, with them into worship. Let’s pray that our ministry, and the music we pray with, can be a source of consolation and hope. As the great Leonard Bernstein wrote in his 1982 book, Findings: “This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” And as we once again hear the mission we are sent with— to go in peace and serve the Lord— let’s do what we can to create a better future for our children.
Tomorrow’s rehearsal is our second-to-last before our summer “break;” our last rehearsal will be next Thursday, June 2. I would be open to the idea of maybe one rehearsal each month in June and July (let me know what you think), and we’ll likely start up again in the last week or two of August.
Late last week, I rewrote the information on our Music Ministry page (with the exception of Bell Choir), while cleaning things up a bit. There are no photos now, but I hope to add new ones soon.
I’ve removed references to the Concert Choir (as I do not intend to continue it) and Community Choir (which is still on pause for safety’s sake).
Last weekend, we had an incident where a music minister stepped down from the first level of the choral risers (a perfectly reasonable thing to do) but landed on the mic cables protruding from the step and nearly fell. This is already the second time in my tiny tenure that this has happened, and I’m determined to put an end to it. While I may not be able to accomplish this before the weekend, I wanted you to know that I’ll be re-routing the audio cables so that we don’t have to use those mic jacks in the steps again. An early thank-you to John Kucmanic, who is working with me to install mic jacks in the mixer rack for this purpose!
We’ll visit all songs for the Ascension weekend (see below) and two Pentecost pieces; Veni Sancte Spiritus, and Send Us Your Spirit. While we’re working on “Taste and See,” we’ll also learn the “Lamb of God” for the Summer.
Glory to God: Mass of Creation (Haugen) MI 884 [score]
Children’s Dismissal (Sundays): The Word of God (Ward) WA [score]
Gospel Acclamation: Mass of Renewal (Stephan) MI 877 [JS 177]
Prayer of the Faithful: O God, Hear Us (Hurd) WA [JS 268]
Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Renewal (Stephan)
Holy: MI 878 [JS 179]
Mystery of Faith: MI 879 [JS 180]
Amen: MI 882 [JS 183]
Lamb of God: Mass of Renewal (Stephan) MI 883 [JS 184]
MAY 29 · Ascension of the Lord
Gathering Song: WA [JS 426] Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise
Responsorial Psalm: MI 780 [JS 47] Ps 47: God Mounts His Throne (Inwood)
Preparation of the Gifts: TM 79 [JS 406] Three Days (THAXTED/Ridge) The hymn version, not the octavo
Communion: MI 343 [JS 789] Taste and See (Kendzia)
Sending Forth: TM 87 [JS 429] Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise (LLANFAIR)
JUNE 5 · Pentecost Sunday
Gathering Song: WA [back side of song sheet] Veni Sancte Spiritus (Taizé)
Responsorial Psalm: MI 803 [JS 88] Ps 104: Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord (Walker)
Sequence: TM 94 [JS 434] Come, O Holy Spirit (ODE TO JOY)
Preparation of the Gifts: MI 452 [JS 433] Send Us Your Spirit (Schutte)
Communion: MI 337 [JS 793] One Bread, One Body (Foley)
Reflection (9 and 11 only) [Bell Choir] Joyful, Joyful (ODE TO JOY, arr. Dobrinski)
Sending Forth: MI 423 [JS 745] One Spirit, One Church (Keil)
Triduum and Easter (April 14–June 5, 2022)
Ordinary Time II (June 12–Aug 28, 2022)
Peace be with you… and with us all.