Dear Partners in Ministry,
Happy Wednesday! I hope your 4th of July was a joyful, safe, and not-too-noisy one.
I had the opportunity to write the article for last week's bulletin and chose to explore the stigmas and fears that can hold the assembly back from praying in song. The article is available online (click here) if you'd like to read it. Thank you all for being such wonderful leaders of our congregational singing!
Sing Sessions Begin Tomorrow Night!
Our first round of Sing Session appointments takes place tomorrow night in the church. I've scheduled 30-minute appointments, but I'm aiming for 20 minutes per session. If you arrive before the previous session ends, please wait in the narthex.
Please warm up as best you can before your session, as we won't have time to warm up once we start.
We'll begin with posture and breathing, try a few vowel and resonance exercises, then move on to determining your comfortable vocal range. Afterward, we'll chat a bit about how you're doing, set any musical goals you might aim at for the next year or so, and answer any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss.
Fall Selections Now Available (Mostly)
Music selections for the remainder of the liturgical year are now available... with a few exceptions. I still have a few gaps to fill in the last weeks of Ordinary Time, but the vast majority of it is ready to go. You'll find the link at the end of this post.
Mass of Encounter Update
Choral scores for the Mass are ready and waiting in your choral folders if you haven't picked yours up already. While we won't be using this setting for a while, it'd be really helpful for you to begin working on it individually. We're going to start working on it in earnest when we meet again on August 3.
Instrumental Parts: Parts for flute, Bb trumpet, timpani, handbells, organ, violin, and violoncello are in process now, and I hope to have them ready by our August 3 rehearsal. Let me know if you'd be willing to review and critique drafts when ready.
Cantāmus practice tracks are coming, but getting them to play back correctly has been a real slog. As of right now, the Amen is the only file I've been able to complete, so at least that's ready for you.
As a reminder, here's the implementation schedule:
SEP 3: Holy
SEP 10: Mystery of Faith: Save Us, Savior
SEP 17: Amen
SEP 24: Lamb of God
OCT 1/8: Glory to God
OCT 15: Gospel Acclamation
Piano Cleveland Tickets Available
A parishioner has two tickets to the Piano Cleveland Finals at CMA on July 15 at 7:30. If you're interested, send me an email and I'll connect you to the ticket holder.
Glory to God (July): BB 884 · 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)
Gospel Acclamation: BB 946 · JS 264 · Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/C. Walker)
Eucharistic Prayer Acclamations: BB 885-887 · 1.001 · Mass of Creation (Haugen)
Lamb of God: BB 952 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)
JULY 9 · Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: BB 564 · JS 573 · All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 818 · JS 115 · Ps 145: I Will Praise Your Name/The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us (Soper)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 419 · JS 639 · Earthen Vessels (Foley)
Communion: BB 347 · JS 789 · Lamb of God/Taste and See (Kendzia)
Sending Forth: BB 390 · JS 813 · City of God (Schutte)
JULY 16 · Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: JS 761 · Table of Plenty (Schutte)
Responsorial Psalm: WA · score · Psalm 65: The Seed that Falls on Good Ground (Ward)
Preparation of the Gifts: BB 614 · JS 609 · For the Beauty of the Earth (Kocher/Dix)
Communion: BB 332 · 3.033 · Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz, arr. Keil)
Sending Forth: BB 392 · JS 821 · Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth (O’Carroll/C. Walker)
JULY 23 · Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering: MI 753 · JS 644 · Your Words Are Spirit and Life (B. Farrell)
Responsorial Psalm: BB 664 · JS 532 · Loving and Forgiving (Soper)
Preparation of the Gifts: WA · 6.008 · Bless the Lord (NETTLETON/Ward/St. Noel)
Communion: BB 504 · JS 725 · Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell)
Sending Forth: BB 568 · JS 593 · Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor)
Ordinary Time II (Summer: June 4–August 27, 2023)
Ordinary Time III (Fall: September 3–November 26, 2023)