Browsing Worship Blog


Dear Partners in Ministry,

Thank you for your flexibility regarding Thursday's cancellation. (The Sox won Game 1 last night, 10-6; Eli missed his second homer by inches.) Let's not worry about rescheduling that one, and stick to the August game plan.

Speaking of which:

August 4 Potluck!

Carolyn and Steve Kuerbitz have graciously offered their backyard for our start-of-season potluck on August 4.

If you would, can you email me if you are planning to join us so we can get a rough head count? 

For the rest of us, I'd ask that we all pitch in on food if you're able. Me being me, I've organized it by last name.

Am-Ge: entrees (that's 12 of you)

Gr-Si: sides and salads (that's 24 of you)

Sm-Wo: desserts (that's 10 of you)

I'll supply non-alcoholic beverages (tea, lemonade, etc). If any of you would like to bring beer or wine, that's fine by me.

Food allergy? If you have a food allergy serious enough that said food should not be present, please let me know ASAP. Thanks!

About Those Questions...

Thanks to those of you who've responded to these questions... unfortunately, there aren't many of you.

If you haven't replied, please do! I really want your input and perspective if you're willing to share.

1. What do you perceive is going really well in our Music Ministry program at present?

2. What do you perceive needs work?

3. What do you believe is impacting the perceptions you listed above?

4. How are you doing personally as a music minister?

5. What are your hopes for the next six months? The next liturgical year? The next five years?



Glory to God: MI 884 · [score] · Mass of Creation (Haugen)

Children’s Dismissal (Sundays): WA · [score] · The Word of God (Ward)

Gospel Acclamation: MI 946 · JS 264 · Celtic Alleluia (O’Carroll/C. Walker)

Prayer of the Faithful: spoken response

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Glory (Canedo/Hurd

    • Holy: MI 901 · JS 248
    • Mystery of Faith: MI 902 · JS 249
    • Amen: MI 905 · JS 252

Lamb of God: MI 952 · JS 789 · Lamb of God (Kendzia)

JULY 17 · Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gathering Song: MI 563 · JS 593 · Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor)

Responsorial Psalm: WA · [score] · Ps 15: He Who Does Justice (Ward)

Preparation of the Gifts: MI 438 · JS 678 · O God, You Search Me (Farrell)

Communion: MI 506 · JS 665 · Center of My Life (Inwood) 

Sending Forth: MI 407 · JS 647 · Lord of All Hopefulness (SLANE)

JULY 24 · Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gathering Song: MI 305 · JS 771 · Our God Is Here (Muglia)

Responsorial Psalm: MI 817 · JS 110 · Ps 138: On the Day I Called (Cooney)

Preparation of the Gifts: MI 342 · JS 780 · Bread for the World (Farrell)

Communion: MI 489 · JS 718 · Love One Another (Dufford), v. 3–6, sung by cantors or soloists

Sending Forth: MI 598 · JS 824 · Christ, Be Our Light (Farrell), v. 1, 3, 5


Ordinary Time II (June 12–Aug 28, 2022)

Ordinary Time III (Sep 4–Nov 24, 2022)

Peace be with you,



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