Procession: Lk 19:28-40
Mass: Is 50:4-7 | Ps 22 | Phil 2:6-11 | Lk 22:14-23:56
Little ever needs to be shared following the proclamation of Our Lord’s Passion. The Roman Missal even states: “After the narrative of the Passion, a brief homily should take place” (Palm Sunday, 22). I’ll simply offer this observation:
In the Gospel proclaimed before we began our procession, from the Mount of Olives, Jesus sends two of his disciples to bring him a colt on which he will ride into the city. The disciples are told to say, “The Master has need of it,” if they are questioned about what it is they are doing. That simple line: “The Master has need of it,” is striking.
Jesus didn’t hesitate to identify the need he had for a simple animal, knowing that its own humble nature would communicate volumes about his own identity and the sort of “king” he was.
What does Jesus, the Master, “have need of” from our lives?
What does he ask of us so that he can continue to communicate the kind of reign he wishes to have in our world? Does he have need of our abilities to serve others? Does he have need of our energy to do the work of evangelization? Does he have need of our minds to creatively think of ways to promote peace and justice? Does he have need of our hearts to be compassionate when so much in our world speaks of indifference? Let’s be ready, like the owner of that colt, to give from our treasure whatever Jesus asks of us.