Browsing Homilies

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wis 18:6-9 | Ps 33 | Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 (or) Heb 11:1-2, 8-12 | Lk 12:32-48 (or) Lk 12:35-40

Two beautiful flowers, one bright yellow and the other bright blue, grew together in a garden. The two flowers basked in the admiration they received from the sun and various insects and animals. One day, the yellow flower began to make pollen. “You shouldn’t be doin’ that,” said the blue flower. “It’ll make you old before your time.” The yellow flower did not heed the warning but continued to make its pollen.

The next day, the blue flower was complimented by the sky, but the sun said nothing to the yellow one, which seemed a bit withered and worn. “What did I tell you?” said the blue flower. “You have to spend all your time making yourself beautiful or no one in the future will care about you.”

Several days later, a young man spied the blue flower and picked it. “This must come to my house,” he said. “What did I tell you?” said the blue flower. “Now I will adorn this man’s house while you sit in the hot sun and wilt.” In time, when the man was finished with the blue flower, he discarded it; the flower was no longer. In time, when nature had finished with the yellow one, there was a whole field of yellow blossoms.”

This story illustrates the difference between those who prepare and those who rest comfortably without a care in the world. It also contrasts how people respond to the abundance God has given us. Today’s readings challenge us to consider our response to what God does for us.

Jesus challenges his listeners to be prepared and to use well the gifts they have been given. The Lord tells his disciples that they must be ready for any possibility. To prepare for whatever may come, they must take the time now to use wisely the things they have been given. In the story, both the blue and yellow flowers had an equal opportunity. Both were beautiful, and both had the choice to do what was necessary to prepare for the future. The blue flower was lazy and used poorly the opportunities given it. In the end, it lost everything. The yellow one, however, realized it had been given a lot and wished to preserve its gifts for the future. Thus, it worked, used its gifts, and created a whole field of yellow blossoms. Its reward was great. Jesus in the gospel says so clearly: “When much is given, much will be required. More will be asked of the one to whom more is given.”

Our Lord asks us to exercise our potential, be prepared for what may come, and use our gifts wisely. We have received many wonderful gifts, but have we exercised our potential with what we have been given?

We have been given the gift of faith. This great gift from God challenges us, as we hear in the letter to the Hebrews, to have confident assurance concerning the things we hope for and the conviction we hold about we cannot see. Have we exercised our faith’s full potential? When our faith is tested, do we give into temptation? Do we give up when the situation looks bleak, such as in sickness, unemployment, or problems at home, work, or school? Or do we demonstrate our faith and trust God as many figures in the Scriptures did? Do we share our gift of faith with those less privileged as we are?

We have been given many talents—in the classroom as students and teachers, on the athletic field as players and coaches, in the arts as musicians or painters, in the professional world as physicians, engineers, or architects. How would we answer Jesus when he says, “More is expected of the one to whom more is given?”

Do we show gratitude to God by giving back some of what we have been given? Are we exercising our full potential?

Only you can answer that question.


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